Do Border Collies shed a lot and Collies live?

Do Border Collies shed a lot and Collies live?

Last updated Oct. 12, 2024 – Written by M Hasnain Ashraf

Do Border Collies shed a lot and Collies live?

Border collies usually live to be 12 to 15 years old; some may live longer, depending on genetics, diet, and exercise. Veterinary check-ups also play a role. Keeping them healthy through good nutrition, regular exercise, and looking after specific potential health issues, such as hip dysplasia or eye problems, helps them reach the upper end of that range.

And yes, Border Collies shed quite a lot. They are characterized by having a double coat of fur that consists of a thick, soft undercoat and a coarse outer coat. A dog with a double coat sheds throughout the year but always more during the change of seasons—mainly during spring and fall since they tend to “blow” their coats, meaning they shed the thicker seasonal undercoat.

Here’s what you can expect on the shedding and grooming:

Shedding Frequency

Border Collies shed moderately year-round. Shedding needs to be checked regularly with brushing.

Border Collies shed much more drastically during the spring and fall because they change between their summer and winter coats


Brush them at least 2-3 times weekly to manage shedding. When shedding seasons come, daily brushing will be needed to remove loose fur and prevent matting.


Regular baths (1-2 months or more as needed) will also contribute to less shedding through loosening dead hair.


Get prepared to vacuum plenty, especially when shedding heavily

Coat Types

Border Collies have either a rough coat, which is longer and slightly wavy, or a smooth coat, which is shorter and shinier. Both varieties shed a fair amount, so some attention to shedding might be called for. The rough coat may require more brushings to avoid matted skin.

How to Manage Shedding

Regular Grooming (Brushing, Bathing)

Use de-shedding brushes to help cope with the shedding of loose hair.

A healthy, omega-3 fatty acid diet will help maintain overall coat health and prevent excessive shedding.

Although Border Collies shed, regular grooming and care will make them manageable for most families. If you’re considering a Border Collie, prepare for regular upkeep: get the shedding under control!