Do Border Collies bark a lot?

Do Border Collies bark a lot?

Last updated Oct. 15, 2024 – Written by M Hasnain Ashraf

Do Border Collies bark a lot?

Border Collies are quite chatty and sometimes bark very often, but that is different from dog to dog. On average, they bark to communicate something, letting their masters know that some super-cool thing has arrived or drawing attention to an unusual event.

They tend to bark a lot when bored or not exercised enough because they are highly energetic dogs requiring vast mental and physical stimulation. Proper training and exercise would control excessive barking. So, if you do get yourself a Border Collie, be prepared for some barking, but on the other hand, if you train them properly, then the barking might decrease.

How to train a Border Collie?

Training a Border Collie is an exhilarating activity as they are intelligent dogs always eager to learn. Here are some practical ways of training a Border Collie.

Train Early

Train your Border Collie when they are still a puppy. It is easier to train a puppy because the dog is more open to new ideas. However, older dogs are just as trainable as puppies.

Positive Reinforcement Training

 Reward-based training usually works. You can use treats, praise, or play in return for good behaviour.

Keep the Training Sessions Short

Border Collies are less concentrated for a longer duration of time. So, keep the sessions around 5-10 minutes in length. Have multiple sessions in a day.

Be Consistent

 Use the same commands and signals for every behaviour so your dog is not confused. Consistency is the key.


Introduce your Border Collie to various people, places, and other animals to enhance their social skills and confidence.

Teach simple commands: Start with the most elementary commands, such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” These commands form the basis for more complicated training.

Mental Stimulation

Use a puzzle toy, obedience games, or agility training to keep them stimulated. Border Collies need mental stimulation to entertain the crowd.

Practice Daily

It’s crucial to repeat what they are learning; involve it in your daily routine to reinforce learned responses.

Be Patient

 Every dog learns at its own pace. Stay positive and patient even if you see plodding progress

Seek Professional Help if Necessary

If you are experiencing trouble training, enrol your Border Collie in a puppy kindergarten or an obedience course.

By following these techniques and being aware of your Border Collie’s special needs, you can train it successfully and build a great relationship with it!