Can Border Collies Live in India?

Can Border Collies Live in India?

Last updated Dec. 20, 2024 – Written by Asad Ali Hashmi

Can Border Collies Live in India?

Of course, Border Collies can be kept in India, but several conditions are essential because of the country’s climate and environment and breed-specific requirements.

Essential Considerations for Kept Border Collie in India

Climate Adaptation

Thermal Sensitivity

Border Collies are double-coated dogs. Therefore, they are more suitable for chilly climate zones than hot and balmy climates. A significant portion of India falls under plains and coastal areas, which will make it hard to cope with the hot and humid weather. They overheated easily. Hence, extreme care is taken to keep them cool and comfortable.


Lock them indoors during the hottest hours of the day, preferably in an air-conditioned space or a cool, shaded, and well-ventilated place.

Exercise them early or late in the evening when it is cooler.

Give them plenty of fresh water at all times.

Trim their coat a little (do not shave them entirely) to keep them cool

Exercise Needs

High Energy Requirements: Border Collies require high degrees of exercise and mental stimulation to lead happy and healthy lives. This can be a challenge in urban India, where the natural exercise environment is deficient.


Take them to parks or spaces where they can run and play around.

Engage them in mentally stimulating indoor activities like obedience training, agility exercises, or a puzzle toy.

Health Issues

Heat Dehydration: India is hot all across its landmass, so Border Collies are subject to heat strokes and dehydration that require constant watch.


Reduce outdoor playtime, especially in the hot season.

Make sure they are well hydrated, and provide cooling mats or damp towels for the dogs to lie on.

Monitor for symptoms of heat exhaustion, such as heavy panting, lethargy, or drooling, and act quickly if they present any one of those.

Grooming Needs:

Border Collies shed throughout the year but more heavily during seasonal changes. In India, grooming becomes very important because the heat doesn’t allow matted hair or shed skin and keeps it soft for better comfort.


Brushing regularly: Twice or thrice a week is good for managing shedding and keeping the coat in place.

Bathing them: Instead of getting anxious, depending on how much they sweat or get dirty when outside or catch heat.

Mental Stimulation:

Intelligence: Border Collies are highly intelligent and mentally stimulating; they will get bored without mental stimulation. In the Indian household, they need more than just physical exercise. Living Environment: Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Solutions: Engage them in puzzle toys, interactive games, or advanced obedience training. Please provide them with problem-solving challenges.

Urban vs. Rural Settings

Border Collies may be suited to be placed in rural or semi-rural Indian areas with more space to run around. Still, they can get along very well in urban settings with proper care and exercise.


If they are staying in an apartment, ensure they receive regular daily exercise, such as long walks or trips to the park.

If they have access to a yard or a garden, allow them to spend supervised time outdoors, burning off excess energy.


Border Collies can also live in India; however, they require specific care to acclimate to the national hot climate. Owners should be vigilant in preventing heat stress and provided with enough exercises and stimulation to challenge their mental abilities. In this way, they can survive with proper care. Still, it’s essential to understand that owning a Border Collie in India carries numerous responsibilities, especially related to climate adaptation and high-energy consumption.