Are Border Collies good with children?

Are Border Collies good with children?

Last updated Oct. 14, 2024 – Written by Asad Ali Hashmi

Are Border Collies good with children?

Border Collies can, in fact, be good companions for kids if some conditions are met. The fruitful relationship between the dog and the children depends on factors such as temperament, training, and socialization in the case of the dog and the age and behaviour of the children.

Why Border Collies Are Good with Children

Loyal and Affectionate

Border Collies are loyal and make great pets. They bond well with their families, even kids. They usually develop protecting instincts but are generally affectionate and tender with them.

Energetic and Playful

Border Collies do well with energetic kids due to their high energy levels. They love running, playing fetch, and playing interactive games, which can keep the dog and the kids indulged in energetic playtime to spend off excesses.

Very Intelligent and Trainable

Border Collies are very trainable, so they can learn what is expected of them around children with the right kind of training and socialization. They are known to be responsive to commands and, hence, can be taught how to come into contact with children nonharmful.

Possible Issues with Children

Border collies are herding dogs in nature. Therefore, they may try to “herd” children by nipping heels or circling. Herding is not an aggressive behaviour but could be scary to young children. Training and redirection must, therefore, ensue.

They are generally susceptible to movement and noise. This can give rise to anxiety or overstimulation in a house with very young or noisy children. If they are not socially socialized, nervous behaviours often arise.

A high-energy breed. Their energy can be beneficial in an active family; however, it can be exhausting if the family cannot find the time, space, or means to fulfil the physical and mental exercise requirements of the Border Collie. A bored or under-exercised Border Collie may become restless or develop undesirable behaviours like chewing and barking.

Tips for Success

Early socialization

The puppy should be exposed to the children at a very tender age so that they can get used to their hyperactivity and unpredictable movements. This will enable them to learn how to keep calm around the kids.

Supervised interaction

Supervise all the activities between the minor children and the puppy, especially if the puppy is still learning to behave themselves before the kids.

Teach Children the Boundaries

In the case of a dog, socialization means that kids need to be taught how to respect their pets. Therefore, they should never pull their tail or ears or disturb their pet when it is resting.

Reward Good Behavior

 Positive Reinforcement: Reward the animal for its excellent behaviour around children.

Older active children

Border Collies can thrive in families with older kids who know how to give a dog their space and enjoy being part of activities like running, playing fetch, etc.

Active families

 Active families that can meet the dog’s physical and mental requirements.

With proper training, socialization, and supervision, Border Collies can be fantastic companions for children, especially for people with an active household, to match the vitality of this energetic breed.