

Last updated July. 28, 2024 – Written by Asad Ali Hashmi


Smooth Collie is easily trainable because of his intelligent nature 

Start training in the early stage so that it would develop good habits reward your dog with good food so that it will do its work efficiently and you will also enjoy this company, make consistent commands and set rules so that it will develop its behavior according to your required work. make your training sessions short so that your pet will take an interest in them. try to introduce your pet to new environments and people and pets this will increase their confidence level. To make their mind sharp provide them with interactive toys and play games with them.

Well while you are training your Smooth Collie you have to take care to keep training sessions short about 10 to 15 minutes this will maintain focus and prevent frustration and try to be gentle with your pet because Smooth Collies are sensitive so don’t be harsh.

Be patient and make a Consistent schedule for training and their food as well as take care of their potty timing.

Try to engage them in positive activities like rallies or herding. Play games with them this will make their mind sharp enough to perform their duty as you want to make your pet.

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