Rough Collie

Rough Collie

Last updated Aug. 02, 2024 – Written by M Hasnain Ashraf

Overview Of Rough Collie

Rough Collie, also known as Collie, is a famous and well-loved breed dog known for its distinctive appearance and jolly personality. A rough collie’s long coat is a dense double coat with a soft undercoat, and the forward outer coat is harsh. The coat is covered around the neck, mostly in males. The life expectancy is 14 to 16 years. The temperament is intelligent, productive, sensitive, loyal, and friendly.

Rough Collie, a better family dog

Smooth Collies are known for their gentle and friendly temperament; they are family pets. They form close bonds with their human family members. Smooth Collie is known for its patience and kindness towards children, they are excellent choices for families. Smooth Collies typically get along well with other pets. Smooth Collie is an intelligent family dog that is easy to train and not naturally aggressive. They love cuddling and being cosy, often found on a pillow or under a blanket. The short coat is practical for wet or scorching climates. Collies typically need brushing once a week, with increased frequency during shedding season. They are a clean breed and do not have a doggie odour. The Collie is large, lean, and strong, with a flat skull and arched eyebrows.

Collies Are Friendly. They are alert, playful, energetic, and active dogs that need regular exercise. Collies are renowned for their high energy levels and intense drive to work. If you are not treating them properly, proper exercise collies will stare at you. They will change their behaviour and become bored and restless. This can lead to behavioural issues like excessive barking and may be destructive sometimes. The most common behavioural problem in Collies is excessive barking.

Smooth Collies can eat wet food. It’s a good choice because it helps keep them hydrated due to its high moisture content and can be easier to digest. 

Origin: Smooth Collie originated in Scotland

Rough Collie is Known for


Rough Collie needs moderate exercise. They like regular playtime, mental stimulation, and walks. They are also known for their herding instincts, which can be channeled into activities like herding trials, obedience, or agility.


Regular grooming is required for a long coat to prevent tangling and matting. Brushing several times a week and taking recommended baths are recommended to keep their long coat in good condition.


Rough Collie is primarily healthy, but like all breeds, it can be prone to specific health conditions. Common health issues include skin sensitivities, hip dysplasia, and Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA).


Rough Collies originated in Scotland and Northern England, where they were used as herding dogs. They gained worldwide fame thanks to the fictional character Lassie, who was portrayed as a Rough Collie in books, movies, and television shows.

Chary family dog:

Rough Collie is a brilliant breed. Training involves positive reinforcement techniques and consistency. These eager-to-please and intelligent breeds answer well to praise and rewards. Start with the basic commands, leash training, and socialization. These develop good manners and obedience by using gentle guidance and patience. For their well-being reg, regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Human-friendly dog:

These dogs are known as versatile for their herding skills and intelligence. Their trainability and intelligence make them better in obedience competitions and sports. These dogs rely on providing companionship, protection, and loyalty. Additionally, their patience and gentleness make them assistance and effective therapy dogs.

Elegant of Rough Collie

Intelligent learners: 

Rough Collies are quick to learn and very intelligent, like a responsive training dog. Their owners are always happy with them.

Positive Reinforcement:

They developed positive reinforcement techniques, like praise, affection, and treats. These dogs do not like harsh training methods, which makes them sensitive and now respond well.

Consistency is Key:

Rough Collie gave you the best benefits from consistent, clear commands and training. Consistency helps them understand what you want and need from them.

Early Socialization:

Early socialization is crucial to help these dogs develop good manners and become well-rounded adults. There is no shyness or fearfulness when introducing yourself to various people.

Aggressive Rough Collie

Gentle Disposition:

These dogs are also known for their kind nature and gentleness. They are typically good with other pets and children, making them ideal family dogs.

Well- Mannered Companions:

With consistent training and socialization, these dogs can be polite and well-mannered. They are mostly calm and not overly boisterous or aggressive.

Protective Instincts:

These dogs are generally friendly and have a natural protective instinct towards their families. They may be reserved around strangers, but they are rarely aggressive.

Rough Collie Bark:

These dogs are always alert and attentive, making them like good watchdogs. They will often alert their owner to unusual activity, but they can be trained to control excessive barking.

Region Vise Name

United States and Canada:
  • Rough Collie
  • Scottish Collie
United Kingdom:
  • Rough Collie
  • Lassie Dog
Australia and New Zealand:
  • Rough Collie
  • Collie
  • Schottischer
  • Langhaarcollie
  • Colley is a poil long
  • Colley
  • Collie a pelo lungo
  • Collie de pelo largo

ラフ・コリー (Rafu Korī)

Advantages Of Rough Collie

OK With Children and Other Breeds:

These dogs are charming and calm, which makes them great companions for other breeds and children.

Defensive and Loyal:

These dogs are, by nature, loyal and caring to their families. They often form strong bonds with their owners and alert them to their surroundings.

Graceful Appearance:

With their graceful, long coats and beautiful manner, Rough Collies are often accepted for their beauty.

Active and good-natured:

These dogs enjoy outside activities and can be great companions for walking, playing, and hiking.

Disadvantages Rough Collie

Grooming For Needs:

Rough Collie requires regular grooming to check mats and tangling in their long coat. They also need combing daily.

Flat to Certain Health Issues:

These dogs have inherited health issues like hip dysplasia, skin allergies, and collie eye anomaly (CEA). Regular veterinary check-ups are necessary to handle and supervise these possible issues.

Requires For Regular Exercise:

These are active types who want to get the usual exercise to be healthy and happy. Without regular exercise, they can develop behavioral issues and become fed up.

Rough Collie Shy or Reserved:

Come dogs may be kept and shy, particularly around strangers. Early socialization is significant in making sure they grow into well-formed adults.

Sensitive Nature Dog:

These dogs are very responsive and must react better to ruthless preparation methods. Positive support and gentle treatment are vital to training them efficiently.

Male or Female Rough Collie

Male Rough Collie:

Male dogs are typically heavier and larger than females. They can be more sloppy and friendly, as well as more protective and shielding. Male dogs are more self-governing in training, but this varies by person.

Female Rough Collie:

Female dogs are typically lighter and smaller than male dogs. They are more self-governing and reserved, but they are often more faithful and loving. Some people find them more eager to please and more accessible to train. Alter females will go into heat, which requires organisation and extra care.

Rough Collie Small:

Like most dogs, the rough collies can smell if they are not dapper. If their thick twice coat is not regularly brushed and cleaned, it can keep grime and oils and cause a smell. On the other hand, rough collies naturally do not smell powerful when they are dapper. Taking baths, combing, and caring for your teeth can help them smell good. Moreover, looking for any original medical circumstances causing unavoidable diseases, such as tooth or skin infections, is dangerous. Rough Collies are usually not well-known for having an unpleasant odour.