

Last updated July. 30, 2024 – Written by Asad Ali Hashmi


To train an Australian Shepherd, you have to use their intelligence and energy almost without end! However, there are many strategies that will prove helpful in training an Australian Shepherd.

Basic Principles

  • Consistency:
    • Consistent commands, rules, and expectations. Consistency will help the dog to understand their right from wrong.
  • Positive Reinforcement:
    • Reward your dog with treats, praise, and toys for good behavior. Positive reinforcement helps the dog to initiate or do more of the desired behaviors.
  • Patience:
    • Be patient and calm. Never use harsh corrections or punishment, since it may cause fear and/or aggression.
  • Short, Frequent Sessions:
    • Dogs have short attention spans, so make sure to keep each of your training periods brief (5–10 minutes) and very frequent.

Basic Commands

  • Sit:
    • Put a treat right under the dog’s nose.
    • Slowly raise your hand up and the dog’s head will follow; their butt goes down.
    • Say “Sit” as you guide your dog into a sitting position, give the treat, and praise.
  • Stay:
    • Ask your dog to sit.
    • Stretch out your arms and say “Stay.”
    • Take a few steps back.
    • If the dog does as instructed to stay, go back and give a reward with a treat and praise. Increase the distance or even time gradually.
  • Come:
    • Put a leash on your dog.
    • Bring yourself down to their level and say “Come” while lightly giving a pull on the leash.
    • When the dog comes, reward with a treat and praise.
  • Down:
    • Hold a treat in your hand.
    • Place your hand on the ground.
    • When the dog follows your hand and lies down, say “Down” and give the treat.

Advanced Training

  • Socialization:
    • The more you expose your dog to new environments, people, and other animals, the higher the chance they will be well-adjusted with good behavior later on.
  • Crate Training:
    • Introduce the crate as a home.
    • Offer the dog treats and toys to entice it into its crate.
    • Gradually increase the time spent in the crate.
  • House Training:
    • Keep a feeding schedule.
    • Let the dog out often, especially after they eat or drink.
    • Reward and praise the dog for going outside.
  • Agility and Obedience:
    • Engage in agility training and advanced obedience classes to keep them mentally and physically on point.

Dealing with Challenges

  • Excess Energy:
    • Allow a lot of physical activity, such as long walks and playtime.
    • Mental stimulation is equally important; puzzle toys and training sessions help.
  • Herding Instincts:
    • Redirect herding instincts to positive activities like agility or obedience classes.
    • Instruct on managing your herding dog at home.
  • Separation Anxiety:
    • Slowly get the dog used to being alone for brief periods of time.
    • Introduce toys and treats to help make the experience of being alone positive.

Training an Australian Shepherd is a great experience because it loves to learn and work. Perseverance with positive tactics and efforts allows them to perform effectively in different activities as well as exist like a loving pack member.

Australian Shepherds are trainable; however, owners find them to be enjoyable dogs because of their intelligence and willingness to please. Some important tips to efficiently train them are:

Start Early: Try starting training and socialization as soon as you can. Puppies are more versatile and can easily be taught simple instructions as well as social skills.

Consistency: Australian Shepherds respond well to firm and consistent guidance.

Reward Systems: Reward your pet with treats, toys, and praises for exhibiting the wanted behaviors. They love rewards and are driven by positive encounters.

Challenge Them Mentally: Give them lots of mental challenges to keep their minds thinking. The need for mental stimulation can be met with puzzle toys, training sessions, and learning new tricks.

Physical Activity: Perform physical exercise on a certain schedule. They are high-energy dogs and require regular exercise in order to help them focus on learning new skills.

Training Versatility: Australian Shepherds enjoy learning new tasks and tricks. Keep them active and engaged by varying training routines or including other combined activities.

Socialize: Introduce them to all types of people, animals, and environments so that they become self-assured enough for fearfulness or aggression.

Handling Stubbornness: Aussies are usually very eager to please, so they’re easy to train for a high-drive working dog, though occasionally stubborn. Personality can vary between dogs and during the early years of life, temperaments may be difficult even within the same litter! The best thing you can do during difficult exercises is to just be patient and take your time.

Professional Training: Get them into a training class or consider working with a trainer if you’re dealing with especially difficult behaviors.

Incentive Positive Behavior: Make it a point to regularly encourage good behavior which will help in building positive habits and save you from recurring bad behavior over time.

When combined, you can train your Australian Shepherd well enough to be a behaved dog as they are extremely intelligent, loyal, and active dogs